Friday, June 12, 2009

There are 2 more days until camp starts! I'm feeling.. excited/ nervous/ anxious. Pretty much exactly how I felt last year before it started. But this summer will be different, because I have a totally different position at camp- Cook's Assistant. And I really have no idea what this job will involve, so me not having a plan leaves me feeling anxious. Plus about half the staff is new, so getting to know them and wondering if I'll even like them/ they'll like me. Yeah, I know I'm a bit obsessive.
Anyway, I'd love to say what camp I am working at, but I really have no idea who will read/ find this blog, so for safety purposes, I'll just say it's in Michigan.
I guess I had better get packing! One of my friends comes home tomorrow after 6 weeks in Italy, and I'm hoping we get to hang out before I leave. I have no idea what time her plane gets in, though. :(