Monday, July 6, 2009

sometimes i get the feeling that people (mainly, my friends and family) keep a running tally in their heads of what i get mad at them for.
ex. jennifer: "katie's mad at me again! i didn't even know that she was mad until she wasn't really talking to me
(thats what i do, give the cold shoulder). and then she admitted that she didn't like that i ________."
andrea: "seriously? i feel like she just got mad at me for exactly that last week."
maybe thats why i keep it bottled up inside?

also, i always want to be in on all the jokes of all my friends. while i know this can't be even close to possible (how am i sposed to remember that many jokes and who they belong to? and i can't be everywhere at once, so am i sposed to choose who to hang out with to get in on the best jokes?), i still want it. and when i don't get to be in on them, i feel hurt and left out, followed closely by depressed because i think that no one likes me. and why is it so incredibly important that i feel everyone has to like me?
couple all this with my jealous streak, and i don't understand why more people don't like me! *sarcasm*
i want to have more confidence that those that do like me will stand up to those that do not when i'm not around.
i want to have more confidence, period.